Li Lab

Quantitative Ecology in a Changing World

Species Invasions

Land managers spend substantial time and money to control species invasions and to conserve native communities. Given the accelerating pace of species invasions and limited conservation resources available, it is essential to understand why some exotic species are invasive? Why some sites are more vulnerable than others? How distributions of exotic species are affected by environmental factors? Are such relationships similar or different from those of native species? Can we predict which introduced species will be the most harmful invaders at where? We are interested in the mechanisms of species invasions and how our research can be used to inform policy makers.

Selected articles

Comparing Species–area Relationships of Native and Exotic Species
Baiser B., Li D.,
Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Homogenization Across US National Parks: The Role of Non-Native Species
Li D., Lockwood J. L., Baiser B.,
Species Richness and Phylogenetic Diversity of Native and Non-Native Species Respond Differently to Area and Environmental Factors
Li D., Monahan W. B., Baiser B.,
Non-Additive Effects on Decomposition From Mixing Litter of the Invasive Mikania Micrantha H.B.K. With Native Plants
Chen B., Peng S., D’Antonio C. M., Li D., Ren W.,
The Effects of Leaf Litter Evenness on Decomposition Depend on Which Plant Functional Group Is Dominant
Li D., Peng S., Chen B.,