In press and Preprints
- PhenoVision: A framework for automating and delivering research-ready plant phenology data from field images. Russell Dinnage, Erin Grady, §§Nevyn Neal, Jonn Deck, Ellen Denny, Ramona Walls, Carrie Seltzer, Robert Guralnick, Daijiang Li. bioRxiv
- GUBIC: the global urban biological invasions compendium for plants. Daijiang Li, Luke Potgieter, et al. EcoEvoRxiv
- Extreme weather events have strong but different impacts on plant and insect phenology. Daijiang Li, Michael Belitz, Lindsay Campbell, and Robert Guralnick. Nature Climate Change. Accepted.
- Quantifying the Effects of Water Hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes) on Freshwater Ecosystems: A Meta-analysis. §§Rohit Jha and Daijiang Li. Biological Invasions. Accepted.
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§ denotes postdoc mentee co-author
§§ denotes graduate student mentee co-author
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- Cities Shape the Diversity and Spread of Nonnative Species
- Long-Term Nitrogen Deposition Reduces the Diversity of Nitrogen-Fixing Plants
- Unraveling Microbial Community Structure–function Relationships in the Horizontal and Vertical Spatial Dimensions in Extreme Environments
- Evaluating Plant Lineage Losses and Gains in Temperate Forest Understories: A Phylogenetic Perspective on Climate Change and Nitrogen Deposition
- Online Toolkits for Collaborative and Inclusive Global Research in Urban Evolutionary Ecology
- Rtrees: An R Package to Assemble Phylogenetic Trees From Megatrees
- Global Patterns and Drivers of Raptor Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity
- Playing With Open Biodiversity Datasets: Case Studies Using Data From NEON, EDI, and GoMRI
- Phenological Research Based on Natural History Collections: Practical Guidelines and a Lepidopteran Case Study
- Co-Occurring Bunchgrasses Are Associated With Different Plant Species in Dry Pine Savannas
- Phylogenetic Diversity of Eastern Asia–eastern North America Disjunct Plants Is Mainly Associated With Divergence Time
- Effects of Non-Native Species on Phylogenetic Dispersion of Freshwater Fish Communities in North America
- Climate Change Filtered Out Resource-Acquisitive Plants in a Temperate Grassland in Inner Mongolia, China
- Standardized NEON Organismal Data for Biodiversity Research
- Urbanization Delays Plant Leaf Senescence and Extends Growing Season Length in Cold but Not in Warm Areas of the Northern Hemisphere
- Aridity Drives Phylogenetic Diversity and Species Richness Patterns of Nitrogen-Fixing Plants in North America
- Fire, Insect and Disease-Caused Tree Mortalities Increased in Forests of Greater Structural Diversity During Drought
- Functional Traits Mediate Individualistic Species-Environment Distributions at Broad Spatial Scales While Fine-Scale Species Associations Remain Unpredictable
- Functional Trait Data for Vascular Plant Species From Northeastern North America
- Community Stability Is Related to Animal Diversity Change
- Exploring Discrepancies Between in Situ Phenology and Remotely Derived Phenometrics at NEON Sites
- Climate, Urbanization, and Species Traits Interactively Drive Flowering Duration
- Climate Drivers of Adult Insect Activity Are Conditioned by Life History Traits
- Harnessing the NEON Data Revolution to Advance Open Environmental Science With a Diverse and Data-Capable Community
- The Role of Functional Strategies in Global Plant Distribution
- Mammalian Body Size Is Determined by Interactions Between Climate, Urbanization, and Ecological Traits
- Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Β-Diversity of Freshwater Fish Assemblages in Relationship to Geographical and Climatic Determinants in North America
- Analyzing a Phenological Anomaly in Yucca of the Southwestern United States
- Phyr: An R Package for Phylogenetic Species-Distribution Modelling in Ecological Communities
- Changes in Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Diversity in the Anthropocene
- Climate and Plant Community Diversity in Space and Time
- Geographic Patterns and Environmental Correlates of Phylogenetic Relatedness and Diversity for Freshwater Fish Assemblages in North America
- Methods for Broad-Scale Plant Phenology Assessments Using Citizen Scientists’ Photographs
- Body Size Trends in Response to Climate and Urbanization in the Widespread North American Deer Mouse, Peromyscus Maniculatus
- Ecogeographical Rules and the Macroecology of Food Webs
- For Common Community Phylogenetic Analyses, Go Ahead and Use Synthesis Phylogenies
- Functional Diversity Is a Passenger but Not Driver of Drought-Related Plant Diversity Losses in Annual Grasslands
- Bayesian LDA for Mixed-Membership Clustering Analysis: The Rlda Package
- Climate Drives Loss of Phylogenetic Diversity in a Grassland Community
- The Effect of Urbanization on Plant Phenology Depends on Regional Temperature
- Homogenization of Species Composition and Species Association Networks Are Decoupled
- Species Richness and Phylogenetic Diversity of Native and Non-Native Species Respond Differently to Area and Environmental Factors
- Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Homogenization Across US National Parks: The Role of Non-Native Species
- Global Environmental Change Effects on Plant Community Composition Trajectories Depend Upon Management Legacies
- Community Assembly of the Ferns of Florida
- Community Phylogeny of the Globally Critically Imperiled Pine Rockland Ecosystem
- Soil Microbes Regulate Forest Succession in a Subtropical Ecosystem in China: Evidence From a Mesocosm Experiment
- Rr2: An R Package to Calculate R2s for Regression Models
- Understanding Context Dependency in the Response of Forest Understorey Plant Communities to Nitrogen Deposition
- HillR: Taxonomic, Functional, and Phylogenetic Diversity and Similarity Through Hill Numbers
- Comparing Species–area Relationships of Native and Exotic Species
- Can Functional Traits Account for Phylogenetic Signal in Community Composition?
- Fire Exclusion and Climate Change Interact to Affect Long-Term Changes in the Functional Composition of Plant Communities
- The Statistical Need to Include Phylogeny in Trait-Based Analyses of Community Composition
- Combining Biodiversity Resurveys Across Regions to Advance Global Change Research
- Long-Term Shifts in the Patterns and Underlying Processes of Plant Associations in Wisconsin Forests
- Drivers of Observed Biotic Homogenization in Pine Barrens of Central Wisconsin
- The Effects of Leaf Litter Evenness on Decomposition Depend on Which Plant Functional Group Is Dominant
- Non-Additive Effects on Decomposition From Mixing Litter of the Invasive Mikania Micrantha H.B.K. With Native Plants
- Research Progress on Merremia Boisiana